Provide Hope for a


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Any Donation is Appreciated

Life Saving Cook Stoves

Families cook over open flames inside homes causing respiratory diseases and burns. Help children & families breathe easier by providing a stove that drastically reduces carbon emissions, smoke, and air pollution.

Suggested Donation

Feed A Family

Suggested Donation
This amount will feed a family of four for a month.

Many tons of food are needed yearly to help provide staple food packets for families and those in desperate need.

Shoes for a Family - Soles for Souls

Due to the difficult terrain, shoes wear out quickly.  You can provide shoes for children who cannot afford a pair of shoes.

Any Donation is Appreciated.
This amount will provide shoes for a family of four.

Roofing Materials

Contribute to providing roofing materials for homes which means dry shelter for families.

Suggested Donation

Construction Projects

Provide improvements and repairs to homes & churches for better living and worship conditions.

Any Donation is Appreciated.